Friday, November 11, 2016

Learn To Forget .

Sometimes forgetting is the best way.

If the memories hurt,
Learn to forget.

If you know it's going nowhere,
Learn to forget.

If you want to protect the ones you love,
Learn to forget.

If you know you're gonna just keep hurting them,
Learn to forget.


If you really want to see happiness in the ones you love,

Learn to forget.

Remembering will only make things worse.

Well maybe it sounds easy.

Maybe it is.
And maybe not.

But I never said that it's not gonna hurt.
It definitely will.

But maybe it will make things less complicated.

Learn to run away.
Learn to move on.
Learn to ignore.
Learn not to care about things you're not supposed to.

And not less important,
Learn to hate the things you love.
In order to make them happy in the end.

Nothing's better than seeing everyone around you happy.
Even if their happiness doesn't include you.

Maybe this wouldn't be compatible for every situation.

I don't know.
Sometimes we just can know,
 When we're not where we supposed to be.
When the current situation is really not for us.
When the expectation is only going to kill us.

Some will say 'Fight For It!!'
I'm used to be one of them.
Used to be.

But then I realised,

"Is it worth all the scars?"

And that's when all these forgetting thingy came.

When you know you're only gonna get on their way,
Then get out of it !

Like I said,

Learn to forget.

Learn to forget when you know that it's the best for everyone.
Maybe except you.

That's the sweetness of it.
At least you're a hero of your own story.

Just try not to care.

Try not to feel needy.
Try to ignore the feelings.
Try not to expect anything.

You'll forget.

It's gonna hurt.
But not more than what you're gonna get if you'll keep remembering.

Maybe it's not gonna work for everyone.
But it'll work with me.

Everyone seems happier.

There's nothing better than seeing that :)

Choose your way wisely.
*And I know I'm still not wise enough*

Assalamualaikum .

Thursday, November 3, 2016

K I T A .

"Kawan tu macam mana ek sebenarnya?"

Yang selalu tanya khabar?
Yang selalu sedapkan hati?
Yang selalu bagi kata-kata semangat?

Itu kawan?

Well if that's the case,

Aku bukan kawan yang baik.

Memang bukan.

Aku tahu.
Tak pernah pun rasa macam tu.

Aku bukan kawan yang akan puji kau 24 jam.
Aku bukan kawan yang akan letak ubat kat luka kau kalau kau jatuh.
Aku bukan kawan yang akan bagi kau nasihat-nasihat islamik sentiasa.

Kalau itu yang kau cari daripada aku,

Aku kalah dulu.

Jangan expect sebagus itu daripada aku.

Jauh sangat melencong.

Actually I'm a bit opposite than that.

In fact,
Aku lah kawan yang akan kutuk kau tanpa henti, 
Dengan kutukan-kutukan yang ternyata paling power lagi menyakitkan hati.

Aku lah kawan yang akan sentiasa sengaja menyusahkan kau hari-hari.

Dan bila kau jatuh tergolek,
Aku lah kawan gelakkan kau,
Yang akan tangkap gambar kau,
Dan post dalam instagram dengan caption yang memalukan.

Kawan tak guna.

Tapi jangan risau aku masih normal,
Tiada masalah mental.

Mungkin sebabtu aku tak ramai kawan.

Dan mungkin sebabtu,
Aku sangat bersyukur dengan siapa yang aku ada sekarang.
*tapi tetap kekal jahat*

Entahlah .

I dont know.
I keep pushing everyone away.

Expecting them to leave.
But wanting them to stay.

I really have a weird way of making friends.
And my friends know that.

They know that they're all I got.
And I'm amazed how they are able to keep staying.

Aku pun tak mampu tahan dengan diri aku.

Kalau aku,
Dah lama aku blah.
Mungkin itu beza aku dengan mereka.

They actually deserve better friends than me.

Tapi nak  buat macam mana.
Takdir diorang kena hidup dengan aku.
*gelak jahat*

Aku memang.
Nampak kasar. Sangat.
Nak minta tolong pun susah.

Kena faham.

Dalam bising-bising mulut ni pun,
Tolong tetap tolong.

Bising tu saja cari pasal.
Nak ambil kesempatan.

Last but not least,

Thousand thanks to those who stay.
Million thanks to those who left.

Nak cakap panjang-panjang pun tak boleh.
Nanti hilang watak kawan tak guna aku tu.

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